Annemarie Lewis Thomas BA(Hons), MSc, FRSA
Counselling for the Theatre Industry
My 30+ years in the industry from being a creative, running a college, producing shows, running an arts organisation, being an advocate for change. . . means that I get it. I get that the industry is tough. I get that it's easy to have a love/hate relationship with the industry. However, I also get that we can sometimes blame the industry when in reality we should be in charge of our own happiness.
For so many self sabotage seems to be the order of the day. What if it didn't have to be like that though? What if you did the work that you know deep down you need to do on yourself? Imagine how different your life could be.
Having helped to launch hundreds of careers I get it. Why not book in and see if I can help?
The bonus of working with me is that you won't have to explain what "our world" is like, because it's my world too. That's why there are appointments available in the morning, afternoon, evening and weekend - cos I just get it. It's also why once you've booked you can easily change your appointment if something urgent crops up like an audition, or 'that meeting' that you've been waiting for.
Maybe you're an agent or a producer - busy looking after everybody else but have forgotten to leave a bit of self-care space for yourself. I just 'get it'. Investing in your well-being and happiness will pay out wellbeing 'dividends' to all the people who rely on you for support. Why not book in today and create that safe space for yourself?
Just in case you're interested - you can find out about my theatre career here